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Predicting Behavioural Evolution on a Graph-Based Model

Received: 11 July 2015     Accepted: 23 July 2015     Published: 5 August 2015
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Corruption is the bane of any economy. Its malady cuts across religious, socio-economic and political system of Nigeria. With a fast and contagious spread through the nation’s socio-economic and political strata, its adverse malignant effect is today, difficult to treat. This study models its contagion via an agent-based graph-diffusion model. Graphs are now quickly becoming the dominant life-form of most activities in a society, with human actors as nodes. Actors have ties that bind them to others via interaction as they form a social graph that analyzes the agent’s local feats via interaction to impact on the society as a global structure. Study explores the graph’s rich connective patterns and personal-networks as actors influence each other, so that graph’s behaviour evolves to orchestrate a relationship in probabilities of observed data and recognize patterns that aid decision making via its convergence to predict the expected number of final adopters as its optimal solution in a multi-peak function.

Published in Advances in Networks (Volume 3, Issue 2)
DOI 10.11648/j.net.20150302.11
Page(s) 8-21
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2015. Published by Science Publishing Group


Stochastic, Immunize, Network, Vertices, SIS, SIR, Function, Search Space, Solution, Models

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  • APA Style

    Arnold Adimabua Ojugo, Rume Elizabeth Yoro, Andrew Okonji Eboka, Mary Oluwatoyin Yerokun, Christiana Nneamaka Anujeonye, et al. (2015). Predicting Behavioural Evolution on a Graph-Based Model. Advances in Networks, 3(2), 8-21. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.net.20150302.11

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    ACS Style

    Arnold Adimabua Ojugo; Rume Elizabeth Yoro; Andrew Okonji Eboka; Mary Oluwatoyin Yerokun; Christiana Nneamaka Anujeonye, et al. Predicting Behavioural Evolution on a Graph-Based Model. Adv. Netw. 2015, 3(2), 8-21. doi: 10.11648/j.net.20150302.11

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    AMA Style

    Arnold Adimabua Ojugo, Rume Elizabeth Yoro, Andrew Okonji Eboka, Mary Oluwatoyin Yerokun, Christiana Nneamaka Anujeonye, et al. Predicting Behavioural Evolution on a Graph-Based Model. Adv Netw. 2015;3(2):8-21. doi: 10.11648/j.net.20150302.11

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    AU  - Rume Elizabeth Yoro
    AU  - Andrew Okonji Eboka
    AU  - Mary Oluwatoyin Yerokun
    AU  - Christiana Nneamaka Anujeonye
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    AB  - Corruption is the bane of any economy. Its malady cuts across religious, socio-economic and political system of Nigeria. With a fast and contagious spread through the nation’s socio-economic and political strata, its adverse malignant effect is today, difficult to treat. This study models its contagion via an agent-based graph-diffusion model. Graphs are now quickly becoming the dominant life-form of most activities in a society, with human actors as nodes. Actors have ties that bind them to others via interaction as they form a social graph that analyzes the agent’s local feats via interaction to impact on the society as a global structure. Study explores the graph’s rich connective patterns and personal-networks as actors influence each other, so that graph’s behaviour evolves to orchestrate a relationship in probabilities of observed data and recognize patterns that aid decision making via its convergence to predict the expected number of final adopters as its optimal solution in a multi-peak function.
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Author Information
  • Dept. of Math/Computer, Federal University of Petroleum Resources Effurun, Delta State, Nigeria

  • Dept. of Computer Science, Delta State Polytechnic, Ogwashi-Uku, Delta State, Nigeria

  • Dept. of Computer Sci. Education, Federal College of Education (Technical), Asaba, Delta State, Nigeria

  • Dept. of Computer Sci. Education, Federal College of Education (Technical), Asaba, Delta State, Nigeria

  • Dept. of Computer Sci. Education, Federal College of Education (Technical), Asaba, Delta State, Nigeria

  • Prototype Engineering Development Institute, Fed. Ministry of Science Technology, Osun State, Nigeria

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